Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)
Summary :
During the release of a billing document in an SAP environment, the system previously allowed for the transfer of only one state central bank indicator per customer line item in financial accounting, which was insufficient for operations requiring multiple indicators. The provided SAP Note outlines the steps to modify the system using enhancements to the ACCIT_DEB structure in the ABAP Dictionary via Transaction SE11, including the addition of new components such as FKBER, GRANT_NBR, and LZBKZ. Implementing these changes and using the specified user exit (EXIT_SAPLV60B_010), allows for the accommodation of multiple indicators as required.
Key words :
insertion <<<<<<fkber fkbergrant_nbr gm_grant_nbrmeasure char24 dummy length 24, state central bank indicator, state central bank indicators, geber bp_geberprctr prctr>>>>>> begin, generate function group saplv60b, function module exit_saplv60b_010, customer line item, enhance structure accit_deb, component component type, lzbkz lzbkz>>>>>> end
Related Notes :
1063103 | BST Report of Bank of Slovenia |
301077 | User exits for the interface for accounting |
27067 | Transfer of LZBKZ and LANDL from SD to FI |