SAP Note 78430 - Collective note for product selection in delivery

Component : Delivery Processing -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
additional key words prose, meaningful error message - nice, incorrect requirements result, partial  delivery/quantity 0, explode product selection, topic product selection, product selection, program error, delivery area, overview showing

Related Notes :

359111Matrial determinatn: unanticipatd item for zero qty
202539Material determination: unanticipated item for zero quantity
141341Product selection:Validity of the condition records
119853Material determination and deleted main item
108152Workaround: error log changing delivery
97915SIS: outstanding order quantity is incorrect for product sel
90264Product selection outcome 'B', error in deletion
86909Product selection: inconsistent Customizing after implemnting Notes 70507 & 77923
81066Product selection: subitem not deleted
79795Product selection outcome 'B', main item with qty 0
78224VK157: mat. determination causes termination in VL04
78043Collective note for shipping
77923Product selection: Flow/items for 0 quantity
76292Product selection: Delivery collective proc.: Log
75876Product selection: Incompleteness for outcome 'B'
74800Requirements Product selection incorrect in vl04
74160DUMP during product selection MOVE_TO_LIT_NOTALLOWED
73117Incorrect del. items after collective processing
72156Incorrect reqs after delivery coll.processing/GI
71489Packing batch main item & product selection
71229Order reqs not reduced after delivery collect. proc.
711453.1G: Change item category of product selection
70507Mat.determin.:Unexpected item with zero (0) qty
70491Material determination: inc.main item quantities
70363Product selection and rescheduling
69804Product selection: delivery for outcome 'B'
68177Delivery requirement is not reduced
68030Correlation of unavailable subitem, VBFA w/o LIPS
66541Product selection: HPOS availability in VL01
64667Workaround: Message vl339 Create delivery
64576Incorrect requ.reduction for partial deliveries
63174Check/Correction report RSCLUTST for clusters
62542Reqs of part. delivered sales orders not adjusted
61776TVCPL checked although item not rel. for delivery
60780Incorrect requirements: Consignment/Product sel.
60776Requirement not reduced for goods issue
60026Wrong requirement and status in copied documents
53815Incorrect Cluster Insert
48979Product selection and rescheduling
45261Product selection: Deleting items
45260Product selection: Delivery quantity incorrect
43246Product selection: Availability of HPOS in VL01
39194VL363 when exchanging batches in a delivery
38663Product selection and 0 quantities in delivery