SAP Note 772558 - FAQ: Quantity conversion and rounding

Component : Quantity Conversion and Rounding - Purchase Orders

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
terms ekpo-bprme ekpo-meins marc-bstrf marc-rdprf eine-rdprf konv-kumza konv-kumne ekpo-bpumz ekpo-bpumn, maintained batch-specific conversion factors, ekpo-umren, ekpo-umrez, ekpo-lmein, purchase order price unit, current purchase order item, maintained specific conversion factors, batch-specific conversion factors, purchase order item

Related Notes :

1559176ME22: Conversion factor change for batch items
769171ME21N: incorrect batch-specific quantity conversion
303613Missing documentation on enhancement MDR10001
301105Unwanted rounding to rounding value (ME386)