SAP Note 766622 - Log file for delta extraction, application 03

Component : Inventory Management -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
include    mcexlog_infobelnr      belnr_dgjahr      gjahrbldat      bldatbudat      budatbukrs      bukrsbwkey      bwkeymatnr      matnrsakto       saknrnopos       mc_nopos 3, include    mcexlog_infomblnr      mblnrmjahr      mjahrbudat      budatzeile      mblpomatnr      matnrwerks      werks_dlgort       lgort_dcharg       charg_d 2, extraction process s_datum   log date s_uzeit   log time enter, short description 'log file structure, deleted next_reorg = current date, short text 'include 'lmcexf10', dialog mode active_upd = xif, p_mcapp   application p_phase   phase, lo data extraction, component  component type----------  --------------

Related Notes :

1169053Activating the extraction log file - Application 03
745788Non-cumulative mgmnt in BW: Verifying and correcting data