SAP Note 746692 - INFO: => LE-TRA-FC-SET => error messages

Component : Freight Cost Settlement -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
lower-level info composite sap note, lower-level subject areas, composite sap note solution, le-tra-fc-set, click pushbutton 'note administration', tab page 'related notes', composite sap notes, existing consulting notes, 'related notes', required note

Related Notes :

787971Info:ME021 with ship. cost trans. using CPD forwarding agent
782631Info KE 396: For cost distribution C and CO origin A
748028Information VY 110: General error during transfer
746613INFO: => LE-TRA-FC-SET (transfer to FI/CO)
501729Info M7 107: No transfer for different service agent
499071Info M7001: 'Please check table XEBEFU ...'
497178Info M7021: Error message when canceling the transfer
125718Forwarding shipment cost items not correct
62233MM-SRV: E001 Missing entry in T157D