SAP Note 746610 - INFORMATION: => LE-TRA-FC-BW (Business Inform. Warehouse)

Component : Business Information Warehouse -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
subordinate composite sap information note, le-tra-fc-bw, tab page 'related notes', composite sap note, composite sap notes, choose 'note administration', existing notes resp, suordinate subject areas, business information warehouse, related notes

Related Notes :

1080424VTBW, VIFBW: Long runtime when you transport with HUs
782547Information about VY 073: Apportionment factor is negative
782278Information: No delta update for VTTK-FBGST
746549INFORMATION: => LE-TRA-FC (shipment costs, general)
700512Information: Allocation of shipment costs to delivery items