SAP Note 70815 - Allocation of phantom assemblies

Component : Arbeitsplan -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
Following the upgrade from Release 2.2 to 3.0, absence of phantom assembly allocations in routings was observed, identified as a program error. Resolution involves the creation of function module CM_BT_PHANTOMS_TRANSFORM within program LCMBTU48. This function aims to adjust the level and path configurations of phantom assemblies. Additionally, corrections are required in the FORM routines EXTRACT_POSITIONS and CHK_EXISTENCE of programs LCMDIFE1 and LCMDIFC1 respectively. Implement these corrections to restore proper function and display of component allocations in the updated system version.

Key words :
import parameter    reference field stlty               stas-stltystlnr               stas-stlnrstlal               stas-stlalstlkn               stas-stlknstufe               stpob-stufe1weg                 stpob-wegxx1, additional key words component allocation, correct form routine extract_positions, correct form routine chk_existence, create function module cm_bt_phantoms_transform, import parameters, function group cmbt, possibly converts level, prerequisites program error, function module

Related Notes :

91805Phantom assemblies in recipe
82644Component allocation of phantom assemblies (routing)