SAP Note 70310 - Correct.prog.:delete doc. flow f. WM transfer order

Component : Shipping -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
If your SAP system exhibits inconsistencies in document flow related to warehouse management (MM-WM), particularly between deliveries and WM transfer orders that no longer exist, SAP Note offers a correction program. This program can delete erroneous records and adjust delivery statuses, ensuring data consistency. For reverse cases where document flow issues occur from delivery back to transfer orders, refer to Note 28448. Implement this program using any transported development class, such as Z001, and ensure correct warehouse number input. Parameters include delivery and transfer order document numbers and warehouse numbers. Modes available are analysis (TEST='X') and correction (TEST=' ').

Key words :
customer-specific development class z001, additional key words rvkvbfa, incorrect document flow records, transfer orders document flows, document flow records, warehouse numberinput parameters, warehouse management wm, valid warehouse numbers, wm transfer orders, attached correction program

Related Notes :

312490WS_CORR_VBFA_LTAP does not work in Lean WM
28448Batch split: Correction for confirming transfer orders