SAP Note 695318 - Parallel locking in accounting during transfer

Component : Transfer to Accounting -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
sort sequence--------------------------------------------------------------crmb        bd    pckbld     bdh      bill_org  002crmb        bd    pckbld     bdh       bill_type 001navigate, path --> object --> bd --> container --> bdh --> usages, path --> object --> dl --> container --> dli --> usage, transaction /bea/crmb06 schedule background jobs, application object usage container field, bill_orgsort sequence 002 usage pcksortfield, bill_typesort sequence 003 usage pcksortfield, terms nriv rw reason, company code/document type, billing statusb = billing document

Related Notes :

877643Collective billing for multiple sold-to parties
630914Regenerating individual objects in a BE application