SAP Note 686956 - FAQ: SD-CAS customer potential analysis

Component : Sales Support - Planning

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
standard information structure s020, sap standard system, information structure s020, customer potential analysis, reference report mmcpvso1, planning type sdcas_pa, information structure, reference report, potential analysis, potential planning

Related Notes :

1244153FAQ: CAS - Archiving with the SD_VBKA object
842837CAS: Potential analysis: Update termination/no doc number
794025FAQ: CAS: VC05 Sales support monitor
687705CAS: Customer potential analysis: LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND
548515FAQ: CAS: Sales support
305992Termination when maintaing customr potential analys
212440Termin drng maintenc of customer potential analysis