SAP Note 672960 - User-defined fields 2

Component : Customizing - Document Extensibility

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note clarifies changes starting with SRM Release 4.0, where user-defined fields must now be handled within INCL_EEW_* structures, not CI includes as previously. For document-specific fields in contracts, shopping carts, bids, etc., appropriate INCL_EEW_PD structures are specified along with the necessary steps for setting up and managing these fields within BBP_C_ACC_F, BBP_C_ACCFD tables and through IMG activities. Additional definitions include handling partner master fields, index, and search function enhancements, as well as guidelines on creating append structures for field definitions.

Key words :
ctr header incl_eew_pd_header_cst_ctr ctr item incl_eew_pd_item_cst_ctr sc header incl_eew_pd_header_cst_sc sc item incl_eew_pd_item_cst_sc bid header incl_eew_pd_header_cst_bid bid item incl_eew_pd_item_cst_bid po header incl_eew_pd_header_cst_po po item incl_eew_pd_item_cst_po quot header incl_eew_pd_header_cst_quot quot item incl_eew_pd_item_cst_quot conf header incl_eew_pd_header_cst_conf conf item incl_eew_pd_item_cst_conf inv header incl_eew_pd_header_cst_inv inv item incl_eew_pd_item_cst_inv similar, ctr header incl_eew_pd_header_csf_ctr ctr item incl_eew_pd_item_csf_ctr sc header incl_eew_pd_header_csf_sc sc item incl_eew_pd_item_csf_sc bid header incl_eew_pd_header_csf_bid bid item incl_eew_pd_item_csf_bid po header incl_eew_pd_header_csf_po po item incl_eew_pd_item_csf_po quot header incl_eew_pd_header_csf_quot quot item incl_eew_pd_item_csf_quot conf header incl_eew_pd_header_csf_conf conf item incl_eew_pd_item_csf_conf inv header incl_eew_pd_header_csf_inv inv item incl_eew_pd_item_csf_inv, sc header incl_eew_pd_search_hdr_csf_sc sc item incl_eew_pd_search_itm_csf_sc po header incl_eew_pd_search_hdr_csf_po po item incl_eew_pd_search_itm_csf_po quot header incl_eew_pd_search_hdr_csf_qut conf header incl_eew_pd_search_hdr_csf_cnf inv header incl_eew_pd_search_hdr_csf_inv search criteria, ctr - contract sc - shopping cart bid - bid invitation po - purchase order quot - bid conf - confirmation inv - invoice, img activity ' supplier relationship management -> srm server -> cross-application basic settings -> account assignment -> define account assignment categories', header - header segment item - item, header fields, header data, item detail screens, item fields

Related Notes :

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