SAP Note 649327 - Analysis of memory consumption

Component : Syntax, Compiler, Runtime -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses an issue where an ABAP program uses significant memory, potentially causing runtime errors like SYSTEM_NO_ROLL. High memory usage often involves internal tables, dynamically created objects, or large data files. Solutions include using tools such as ST02, SE30 to monitor memory, navigating to ABAP debugger for detailed inspection, and utilizing "memory inspector" for analysis of internal tables and objects' memory consumption. Techniques involve adjusting memory allocation and managing object references to optimize garbage collection, which plays a crucial role in freeing memory. Debugging and regular monitoring are advised to prevent memory issues.

Key words :
system -> utilities -> memory analysis -> compare memory snapshots, system -> utilities -> memory analysis -> create memory snapshot, development -> memory analysis -> create memory snapshot, goto -> display condition -> memory usage, goto -> system -> garbage collector -> execute, system -> utilities -> debug abap, goto -> system -> find reference, gc dynamically generated data objects, largest internal tablesin basis releases 4, program/session -> program -> debugging

Related Notes :

783870Memory bottleneck despite deletion of large internal tables
771119Reading large transport log file requires a lot of memory
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580871Calling the Garbage Collector explicitly
548845Internal modes uses more than 2 GB
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