SAP Note 647773 - Open item processing: Displaying customer-specific fields

Component : Buchen/Ausgleichen/Sonderhauptbuch - Buchen/Ausgleichen

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note provides resolution for issues in displaying customer-specific fields in open item processing linked to FB05 and related transactions. It updates Note 209774 by establishing implementation steps for type C and N fields in the BSEG table without the need for prior modifications. Steps include adding CI_RFOPS Include to the RFOPS structure, creating necessary structures via SE11, and updating screens 5102-6106 and 6102-6106 with new fields. Restrictions on visible columns and instructions for adjusting layout variants through Customizing and message settings are also included. Ensure proper activation and custom implementation as per detailed instructions to avoid errors such as message F4427.

Key words :
component component typegen_char4 char30gen_char5 char30gen_char1h text20gen_char2h text20gen_char3h text20gen_char4h text20gen_char5h text20gen_char3h text20gen_char4h text20gen_char5h text20 5, type/line/column/deflg/vislg/height/formatrfops_dk-skfbt text 1 85 12 16 1rfops_gen-gen_char1h, column headers fieldsrfops_gen-gen_char1h/-char5h, standard line layout &2 displays open items, menu - settings - line layout, system displays message f4 427, system displays message f5a 384, prerequisites customer-specific fields, filling customer-specific fields, fields rfops_gen-gen_char1/-char5

Related Notes :

1322800FB05: Corrupt sorting of customer-specific fields
1228601FB05: When are certain display variants used?
648267FSCM-DM: Open item processing enhancements
379421Update TCVIEW after Table Control change
209774F4627: Processing open items
124238Table control: User defaults and upgrade
121550User settings table control