SAP Note 64146 - Info on splitting in demand management/period split

Component : Demand Management -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note discusses methodologies for implementing automatic splitting of planned independent requirements across different periods, such as months and weeks. Utilizing a distribution function allows for non-linear splitting based on specified distribution percentages and the total number of workdays within each period. Without a distribution function, requirements are divided evenly across the period. Special attention is given to transaction MD62's settings in which users can define period splits that end up using either defined or default distribution methods. Additionally, limitations are specified, such as the inability to use discrete distributions in demand management. Essential to note is that the chosen distribution function must align with the period characteristics to prevent default even splitting.

Key words :
edit -> split perd online, terms period split solution, copying planned independent requirements, planned independent requirements exist, period month requirements 100 pcs, planned independent requirements, single partial segments, 6th-8th day, 9th-10th day, 9th-12th day

Related Notes :

844933MD62: Distribution ignores the distribution function
647004Problems when allocating planned ind. requirements
645757Rounding error during automatic allocation
212343Withdrawal quantity and automatic splitting
133434Priority of split function in MD67
67864Splitting with distribution function for small qty