SAP Note 628141 - BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST ends in endless loop

Component : Userinterface - Purchase Orders - Customer Enhancements

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When using BAdI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST to modify permissible fields in SAP, using GET_DATA and SET_DATA for manipulating header, item, or schedule line fields might cause an infinite loop. Key transaction codes associated are ME59N, ME21N, and ME22N. The issue arises from incorrectly populated X fields needed for changes. A solution involves integrating a new method, CHECK_BADI_DATAX, into CL_HANDLE_MM class via SE24. Amend the class to include instance-level, public visibility methods, setting X fields appropriately. Users must implement the recommended source code changes to resolve looping.

Key words :
attached source code corrections, schedule line fields, start transaction se24 2, 'methods' tab page 4, instance method visibility, methods get_data, method proceed, badi me_process_po_cust, standard field, change results

Related Notes :

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666888BAPI_PO_CHANGE/BAdI: batch not transferred
662716BAPI_PO_CHANGE/BAdI: Incomplete Sched.
637467ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST: Endless loop due to field change