Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)
Key words :
client = <client>parname = crm_releaseparname2 = <space>parname3 = <space>consumer = <space>parval1 = 40aparval2 = <space>ensure, default=space i_vbak type vbak opt=, cv_vbkla type vbkla opt=xfunction module, 'determine data exchange scenario'import parameters, iv_changing type char2 space opt=, iv_updkz type updkz_d space opt=, iv_call_fct type char1 space opt=, sales_key opt=space et_csltok, required<r3logsys> / 01 / csl lock activated, is_vbak type vbak opt=
Related Notes :
915166 | Cross-system lock is not released |
889051 | Scenario A: Overview and settings |
648958 | Scenario A: No ATP check in APO from R/3 during CRM upload |
642269 | Scenario A: Mutual change of sales documents - CRM |
630778 | Scenario A: Mutual change of sales documents - PI |
623652 | Scenario A: Structures in R/3 |