SAP Note 619015 - MM_MATNR: Output of separate messages from BADI_MM_MATNR

Component : Material Master -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When utilizing BAdI BADI_MM_MATNR for archiving or data verification, users encounter difficulties in generating logs due to a missing function. To resolve this, developers need to create a function module named MATERIAL_COLLECT_MESSAGES using transaction SE37, then set it in function group WSO8. Instructions include defining import parameters for message handling, type, and variables. This allows integration of specific log messaging directly related to BAdI implementation tasks such as material archiving processes in MM_MATNR, ensuring that messages like 'MARD:...' carry the appropriate context details.

Key words :
dialog box enter function group wso8, short texti_msgtype      type sy-msgty, message typei_msgid        type sy-msgid, message classi_msgno        type sy-msgno, import parameters - pass separate messages, attached source code corrections, edited material master record, pass import parameters i_msgv1, call function module material_collect_messages, create function module material_collect_messages

Related Notes :

900537FAQ: Error messages when archiving materials
870101MM_MATNR: Own messages are missing in spool output