SAP Note 616884 - F110: NEBTR not set with down payments.

Component : Payment Progam / Payment transfer (DE, JP, US) - Process integration accounts receivables

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When executing a down payment from a down payment request using the SAP payment program F110, the BSEG-NEBTR field (Net Payment Amount) is not populated. This issue stems from a program error and can lead to display issues with credit memos in FSCM Biller Direct. Users are advised to apply the provided advance corrections to resolve this. Relevant terms include FSCM, F110, SAPF110S, and BSEG-NEBTR.

Key words :
attached advance corrections, fscm biller direct, net payment amount, field bseg-nebtr, bseg-nebtr, terms fscm, payment request, payment program, nebtr reason, credit memos

Related Notes :

730830SAP Payer Direct 1.0: Installation (component FI-AP)
713534SAP Biller Direct 3.0: Installation (Component FI-AR)
622010SAP Biller Direct 2.0: Installation (the FI-AR component)