SAP Note 616804 - FBCJ: BAPI for saving cash journal documents

Component : Cash Journal -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note instructs users on implementing a BAPI to automatically save documents in the FI cash journal (FBCJ) using an external interface rather than the standard user interface. Users are directed to create a remote-enabled function module, BAPI_CASHJOURNALDOC_CREATE, within a newly created function group, SAPLFCJ_BAPI, under development class CAJO. This module facilitates the saving of cash journal documents comparable to manual entries made via transaction interfaces. It includes abilities for test runs without database updates and mandates COMMIT WORK for final saving. Further, detailed documentations and guidelines on parameter setups for successful function module execution are provided.

Key words :
field            data element position_number  cjbuzei transact_number  cjtransnumb p_receipts       bapiwrbtr p_payments       bapiwrbtr p_net_amount     bapiwrbtr h_net_payment_wt bapiwrbtr gl_account       hkont tax_code         mwskz taxjurcode       txjcd vendor_no        lifnr customer         kunnr position_text    cjpostext bus_area         gsber tr_part_ba       pargb trade_id         rassc cs_trans_t       rmvct func_area        fkber co_area          kokrs costcenter       kostl acttype          lstar orderid          aufnr order_itno       co_posnr calc_motive      bemot costobject       kstrg co_busproc       co_prznr profit_ctr       prctr part_prctr       pprctr wbs_elem         ps_posid network          nplnr activity         vornr assetmaino       bf_anln1 assetsubno       bf_anln2 valuedate        bf_bzdat assettrtyp       bf_anbwa plant            werks_d val_type         bwtar_d material         matnr sales_ord        kdauf sched_line       kdein s_ord_item       kdpos fm_area          fikrs funds_ctr        fistl cmmt_item        fipos fund             bp_geber funds_res        kblnr_fi res_item         kblpos person_no        pernr_d bupla            bupla secco            secco, component data type length position_number char 3 transact_number char 4 p_receipts char 25 p_payments char 25 p_net_amount char 25 gl_account char 10 tax_code char 2 taxjurcode char 15 vendor_no char 10 customer char 10 position_text char 50 bus_area char 4 tr_part_ba char 4 trade_id char 6 cs_trans_t char 3 func_area char 16 co_area char 4 costcenter char 10 acttype char 6 orderid char 12 order_itno char 4 calc_motive char 2 costobject char 12 co_busproc char 12 profit_ctr char 10 part_prctr char 10 wbs_elem char 24 network char 12 activity char 4 assetmaino char 12 assetsubno char 4 valuedate char 8 assettrtyp char 3 plant char 4 val_type char 10 material char 18 sales_ord char 10 sched_line char 4 s_ord_item char 6 fm_area char 4 funds_ctr char 16 cmmt_item char 14 fund char 10 funds_res char 10 res_item char 3 person_no char 8 bupla char 4 secco char 4, component data type length comp_code char 4 cajo_number char 4 currency char 5 currency_iso char 3 doc_date char 8 pstng_date char 8 ref_doc_no char 16 bp_name char 35 alloc_nmbr char 18 text1 char 100 text2 char 30 check_number char 13 check_issuer char 14 bank_key char 15 bank_acct char 18 bank_ctry char 3 bank_ctry_iso char 2 scbank_ind char 3 supcountry char 3 supcountry_iso char 2, field            data element comp_code        bukrs cajo_number      cjnr currency         waers currency_iso     waers_iso doc_date         bldat pstng_date       budat ref_doc_no       xblnr1 bp_name          cjbpname alloc_nmbr       dzuonr text1            cjdoctext100 text2            cjdoctext30 check_number     scknr_eb check_issuer     cjcheckissuer bank_key         bankk bank_acct        bankn bank_ctry        banks bank_ctry        banks bank_ctry_iso    banks_iso scbank_ind       lzbkz supcountry       landl supcountry_iso   landl_iso, component data type length tax_code char 2 amt_tax char 25 amt_base char 25 taxjurcode char 15, name1_gp name_2           name2_gp name_3           name3_gp name_4           name4_gp sole_prop        stkzn rep_name         repres street           stras_gp postl_code       pstlz city             ort01_gp country          land1_gp country_iso      land1_iso po_box           pfach, field            data element tax_code         mwskz amt_tax          bapitxbtr amt_base         bapifwbas taxjurcode       txjcd, field            data element position_number  cjbuzei anred            anred, field items-p_payments, 'customer exit' parameter   long text

Related Notes :

722101FBCJ: F5893 when using a BAPI
546365FAQ: Cash journal
532888FBCJ: Functions in cash journal