SAP Note 616495 - VL10: Request (Type NOWP) cannot be edited

Component : Collective Processing (VL10, VL04) - Stock-Transfer-Order

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP issues an error message in Syslog (SM21) with the error code "Request (type NOWP) cannot be edited" when creating deliveries using Transaction VL10 in a background or batch job mode with settings List type = 1 and Selected items = 'X'. The 'Delivery creation log' icon also fails to display post-delivery creation on the selection screen. The issue stems from a programming error. The resolution involves expanding the structure T186D in SE11 to include the component NO_WAIT_FOR_TASKS and integrating specified source code corrections into the system.

Key words :
icon 'delivery creation log', 'selected items' = 'x', expand structure t186d, source code corrections, settings 'index list', attached program correction, component type xfeld, list type = 1, component list, program error

Related Notes :

633038VL10: Message V50R024 "At least one order was blocked"
561974Message QM153 'Return delivery could not be created'
522769VL10: No uniform parallel processing
399068VL10: Parallel processing
113411Collective note: VL10