SAP Note 611040 - Down payment invoice for Italy

Component : Italy - Down Payments

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note offers manual consulting advices for handling tax and bank debit related down payments in Italy noted as 'Advance from Customer.' Users must manually implement and maintain the solution without SAP support, and reapply changes post-upgrade due to overwrites. It necessitates checking code validity for the customer’s SAP version before applying. The note outlines a specific billing process for revenue recognition and VAT implications on received money. It details procedure steps from the creation of sale orders with milestone billing to the billing of down payments and final customer payments, involving specialized transaction processing and postings.

Key words :
call function 'reuse_alv_list_display'         exporting           i_interface_check              = ' '           i_bypassing_buffer             =           i_buffer_active                = ' '           i_callback_program             = g_variant-report           i_callback_pf_status_set      = ' '           i_callback_user_command        = ' '           i_structure_name              = 'bsid'           is_layout                      =           it_fieldcat                    = gt_fieldcat           it_excluding                   =           it_special_groups              =           it_sort                        =           it_filter                      =           is_sel_hide                    =           i_default                      = 'x'          i_save                        = 'a'          is_variant                    = g_variant           it_events                      = gt_events[]           it_event_exit                  =           is_print                       =           is_reprep_id                   =           i_screen_start_column          = 0           i_screen_start_line            = 0           i_screen_end_column            = 0           i_screen_end_line              = 0         importing           e_exit_caused_by_caller        =           es_exit_caused_by_user         =         tables           t_outtab                      = t_bsid, -            p_blart    document type            p_bldat    document date            p_buda     posting date            p_vari    display variant            s_bukrs    company            s_kunnr    customer            s_vbel2    sale order            s_waers    currency            test_run  test run, oda20050203__________________________________________________         call function 'zz_acc_downpinvoice_check'           exporting            i_bukrs        = i_bukrs            i_kunnr        = i_kunnr            i_vbel2        = i_vbel2             i_xfilkd       =           tables            t_bsid         = t_bsid            t_bsad         = t_bsad           exceptions             no_entry       = 8, call function 'reuse_alv_variant_f4'       exporting            is_variant = l_variant            i_save     = 'a'       importing            es_variant = l_variant_help, create field catalog       call function 'reuse_alv_fieldcatalog_merge'         exporting          i_structure_name             = 'bsid'         changing          ct_fieldcat                  = gt_fieldcat[], italy         call function 'fi_company_code_data'              exporting                  i_bukrs = t_bsad-bukrs              importing                  e_t001  = h_t001, call function 'fi_country_data'              exporting                  i_land1 = h_t001-land1              importing                  e_t005  = h_t005, &                                                                   &                                                                   & object          func zz_acc_downpinvoice_check & object header   fugr zsap &                                                                   & function zz_acc_downpinvoice_check &                                                                   >>>> start, &                                                                   & object          reps zvdwpinv & object header   prog zvdwpinv &                                                                   & report zvdwpinv &                                                                   >>>> start, &                                                                   &                                                                   & object          func sd_acc_downpayment_read & object header   fugr v60c &                                                                   & function sd_acc_downpayment_read &

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