SAP Note 610990 - STM:Change documents with new layout

Component : Consumer and Mortgage Loans -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
datetimefirst namelast nametransaction codetable nametable descriptiontable keyfield namefield descriptionold valuedescription, 009 field label011 loans012 collateral013 collateral object014 collateral value015 business operation021, goto  text elements  text symbols            symbol  text            004 user id006 field label, fieldname      tabname_labels           tabname      keyfield                fieldname      labelfield               fieldname            choose, descriptions'            delivery class 's'            fields                key  field type        tabname, function modules folder            select function module 'changedocument_display_loan'  choose 'change'            select, function group fvd_changedocument create - gui titles            create title, transaction se11            enter database table 'vdmap_labels'  choose, gui status folder            double-click status 'standrad_fullscreen', double-click 'shift-f11'            double-click

Related Notes :

706703STM: German texts in change documents display
643085STM: Multiple columns in change documents display
642221STM: Syntax error with call of change documents
627191STM: Change document display - incorrect descriptions