SAP Note 608608 - Creating the SQL optimizer statistics in the liveCache

Component : liveCache - LiveCache Administration and Montitoring

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note details the importance of regularly updating optimizer statistics for efficient access strategy in liveCache with regard to SQL optimizations in SAP APO version 3.0A onwards. It introduces the RSSDBUPDSTAT report, provided in specific SAP Basis Support Packages, to update these statistics. Users are instructed on how to set up and schedule this report, including options for creating a log file. Additionally, the note recommends using RZ20, the extended alert monitor, to track the performance features of a liveCache and ensure its SQL optimizer statistics' suitability.

Key words :
sap background job processing, solution sap supplies, efficient access strategy, basis support packages, write log file, minimal workload period, extended alert monitor, important performance features, strategy-relevant columns, terms update statistics

Related Notes :

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