SAP Note 583676 - ME21N: Decimal places in the purchase order quantity

Component : Quantity Conversion and Rounding - Userinterface - Purchase Orders

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The SAP ME21N transaction issue involves the handling of decimal places in purchase order quantities. Using ME21N to create a purchase order with reference to a requisition causes improper decimal handling due to rounding profiles and unit conversion discrepancies between the order unit and the requisition unit, e.g., 1 SET = 100 Pc. This leads to quantity conversions displaying decimal places despite settings. Solution involves configuring SE91 to generate error message ME678 to enforce correct decimal place usage and modifying the source code to fully handle decimal restrictions and prevent incorrect quantity inputs.

Key words :
permits fewer decimal places, copies therequisition quantity, purchase order item, purchase order quantity, purchase order quantity 0, 'purchase order unit &1, purchase order, order unit, quantity manually, default quantity

Related Notes :

982032PO create using BAPI or ME21N does not consider DECAN/ANDEC
875951AFS: ME21N - Rounding in Purchase Order