SAP Note 580708 - Control indicator '#' in correction instructions

Component : R/3 Interface for Business Transactions -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note indicators identified as ‘#’ in correction instructions for notes 527544, 566206, and 572091 require attention as outlined in note 502621. These indicators can't be retroactively removed but measures are put in place to prevent future occurrences. For proper application of these notes, usage of the SNOTE, compliant with Note Assistant version 12 or later, is recommended. If issues persist or if using a pre-version 12, the notes should be implemented via the Splitscreen Editor (transaction SE39) to ensure functionality and eliminate potential errors associated with outdated software.

Key words :
find control indicator '#', control indicators '#' occur, control indicators, correction instructions, correction implemented, splitscreen editor, transaction se39, note assistant, future notes, note 502621

Related Notes :

572091Incorrect items in R/3 system after restart of BDocs
566206Incorrect time conversion for different time zones
527544(CRM)Partner deleted from CRM quote is not deleted R/3
502621Converting invalid control and special characters