SAP Note 569026 - MMBE, RWBE: Improved performance

Component : IM Reporting (no LIS) -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
Transactions MMBE and RWBE experience extended validity periods due to issues in function module MB_SELECT_GR_BLOCKED_STOCK, particularly when handling numerous purchase orders for materials. This performance issue is attributed to a program error. The advised solution is to amend the source code of MB_SELECT_GR_BLOCKED_STOCK as per the provided correction instructions. Additionally, archiving and deleting completed purchase orders can mitigate data volume and enhance system performance.

Key words :
delete completed purchase orders, long validity periods, symptom transactions mmbe, function module mb_select_gr_blocked_stock, purchase orders, terms mmbe, rwbe reason, program error, solution correct, source code

Related Notes :

982345FAQ: stock overview MMBE