SAP Note 554029 - FAQ: SAPoffice - Forwarding/mail system group

Component : Please use subcomponents - Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses various queries about automatic forwarding and mail system group configuration in R/3 systems. Questions revolve around differences, settings, activation, and maintenance of forwarding and group mail systems, including the roles of user and administrator settings in multiple transactions such as SO12, SO36, and SO16. The note also clarifies issues like mail delivery to self-Internet addresses, and setting internet addresses in user maintenance. Details include using alternative sending methods to enable continued reading of mails in R/3 and configuring sender information for forwarded emails. Activation procedures and considerations when sending object relationships externally are also discussed.

Key words :
-> mysap technology components             -> sap web application server             -> basis services/communications interface            -> communications interface             -> sapconnect                -> administration                -> sending business objects, telephony             -> sapconnect                -> administration                -> sending business objects, online documentation web application server, -> connectivity            -> communications interface, -> sap netweaver            -> application platform, sap business workplace, 'mail system group' tab page, mail system group system-wide, remote mail    remote mail address, send object relationships externally

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691407No enhancements in SAPoffice