SAP Note 547961 - FAQ: Shipment and transportation scheduling in R/3 system

Component : Delivery and transport scheduling - Availability Check

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note clarifies common issues in shipment and transportation scheduling within R/3. It addresses discrepancies like dates not aligning with working times at the shipping point, unconfirmed desired delivery dates, and misapplications of customization settings for pick/pack, loading, transit, and transportation lead times. Key points include the influence of ATP and route scheduling on delivery shifts. Solutions involve checking settings in Customizing under 'Delivery Scheduling and Transportation Scheduling', ensuring correct data entries, and verifying the configuration and maintenance of route schedules and factory calendars to better align with intended scheduling outcomes.

Key words :
apo scheduling includes time zones, material availability date mbdat, transportation planning date tddat, goods issue date wadat, pick/pack time defined, lead time hr' field, 'pick/pack time' view, transportation lead time defined, transportation scheduling > maintain duration', hours/minutes work time

Related Notes :

835219FAQ: ATP composite note
547941FAQ: Shipment and transportation scheduling in APO
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