SAP Note 546230 - Installation of SAP EH&S 2.7B / 4.6B R/3 Support Package 04

Component : Environment, Health and Safety -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
select menu option 'special transport -> industry component', display/define patch queue -> select component 'ehs ', sapnet -> service -> sap patch service -> sap add-, health & safety -> product safety -> interfaces -> eh&, directory '/general/r3server/abap/note, directory 'general/r3server/abap/note, directory /general/r3server/abap/note, respective language car-xvf ehs45bsp04xx, command car -xvf ehs45bsp04en, dgv_tdgc1 esv_tcga6 esv_tcgenvtable entries

Related Notes :

546276You want to install SAP EH&S 2.7B / 4.5B R/3 Support Package
546185Installation of EH&S 2.7B/4.6C R/3 Support Package 04
521334Corrections EH&S 2.7B: Support Package 04
517037Installation EH&S 2.7B/4.6B SP03
513330WWI: License key for generation server
484391Installation EH&S 2.7B/4.6B Support Package 02
424792Installation of EH&S 2.7B/4.6B Support Package 01
392841Installation of SAP EH&S 2.7B/4.6B
122400EH&S installation: Composite SAP Note