SAP Note 544489 - FAQ Recursiveness check / low-level code assignment

Component : Bills of Material -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses common questions regarding the "Recursiveness Check and Low-Level Code Assignment" in BOM maintenance. It consolidates FAQs on how to identify related SAP Notes, understand system behavior in recognizing recursion, reasons behind disproportionate low-level codes, methods to correct inaccuracies in these codes, and feasibility of automated corrections. Key references include SAP Notes 68792, 42891, 494236, and 140573, offering insights and solutions to reported problems, with a focus on ensuring data integrity and optimized system performance, particularly in complex BOM structures. Operational cautions are emphasized for procedures requiring significant data processing.

Key words :
subject 'recursiveness check/low-level code assignment', planning file entry table mdvm, low-level code assignment encounters, incorrect low-level codesin, incorrect low-level code, low-level code assignment, low-level code assignment', incorrect low-level codes, subject 'recursiveness check, low-level code

Related Notes :

720762Serialization of the BOM update/low-level code
494236Low-level code not reduced
186216Incorrect low-level codes in table MDVM
161742Consulting note: BOM recursion/low-level code 999
140573Low-level code 999 for joint production
84153Class item: low-level code of components incorrect
68792Collective note for low-level code / recursiveness
42891Recursiveness check