SAP Note 543722 - Incorrect valuation category in QBEW/EBEW

Component : Material Master -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When the valuation category in the SAP material master is changed after project stock (QBEW) and/or sales order stock (EBEW) postings, the updated valuation category may not propagate to existing stock valuation records. Subsequent movements may fail to generate new valuation records or trigger error M7078 if no batch specifications are made. A program error causes inconsistent updates in QBEW and EBEW tables. To address this, implement SAP Notes 32236, 431733, and use report ZAS_CORR_BWTTY to adjust incorrect table entries. The corrected logic ensures proper QBEW updates with new separate valuations and prevents future inconsistencies in stock transactions.

Key words :
component mm-im-gf-spv, field qbew-bwtar field remains empty, report lists incorrect materials, qbew/ebew entriesare corrected, display error message m7078, newly valid valuation type, start correction report zas_corr_bwtty, qbew entry remains, create report zas_corr_bwtty, existing qbew record

Related Notes :

431733Valuatn catgry changeable despite existing EBEW/QBEW entries