SAP Note 540451 - Main switch activation for concurrent employment

Component : Concurrent Employment - Personnel Management -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses the inactivation of enhanced functions for concurrent employment and global employee management, which as of SP20 requires the inclusion of new Note 662136. For pilot customers, to utilize these features, it’s necessary to modify the source code in CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR of class CL_HRCE_MASTERSWITCHES by disabling specific code sequences. Subsequently, adjusting the main switches in table T77S0 within the semantic group CCURE is essential. Options include GLEMP, GLOPY, MAINS, PAUIX, PIDGN, PIDSL, TMEVL, and WTGEN. Activation of these switches enables access to the functions, with additional recommendations for activating PIDSL alongside PIDGN configuration.

Key words :
call method cl_hrce_masterswitches=>read_flag    exporting      semid                        = semid_userinterface      gpa_name                     = gpa_userinterface      admissible_gpa_in_production = space    importing      is_active                    = userinterface_is_active, ce master data user interface enhancements pidgn, concurrent employment main switch pauix, generation rule resonid pidsl, concurrent employment solution, method class_constructor, class cl_hrce_masterswitches, wage type generation, desired generation rule, source code sequence

Related Notes :

1590072HCMPSE: Activation of Conc. Employment for Spain (PS)
662136Activation main switch for concurrent employment - new
517071Concurrent Employment