SAP Note 54028 - IBM i: SQL0 904 reason code 7, overflow in SQL package

Component : DB2 for AS/400 -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When SQL error SQL0904 with reason code 7 is logged, indicating resource limits on SQL packages were exceeded, consult the SAP and IBM i documentation on SQL package size limits and overflows. Since OS/400 V4R3M0, package limits increased, and size determination can be made using DSPOBJD, PRTSQLINF, ST04, or DB Cockpits. If overflow persists, possible resolutions include deleting overflowed packages using DLTSQLPKG, enlarging package size on systems from OS/400 V5R2M0, or implementing Auto SingleExecution or conditional execution hints. Unsolved issues should prompt contacting BC-DB-DB4 with a reference to this note.

Key words :
remaining related notes describes, component bc-db-db4, system logs error sql0904, resource limit exceeded reason, operating system command prtsqlinf, similar sql statements exist, resource limit exceeded, sqlpkg dbif_rsql_invalid_sql_error ranges, conditional statement hint, sap database interface

Related Notes :

1536572DB4: SQL Package Dispersion to Increase Statement Limits
1109771DB4: Conditional Statement Hints
1109573DB4: Auto SingleExecution for Package Overflow
972460DB4: Alternate SQL Packages
729136iSeries: SQL package R3sidX0000/ECMCT full
722721iSeries: Package overflow in upgrade phase DIFFEXPDOCU
548037iSeries: Exporting a system with many tables
376763Terminatn DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR during access to VBUK
63037AS/400: Deleting SQL Packages
29929AS/400: Dynamic SQL package handling for DB2/400
13607Termination of an ABAP with DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL