SAP Note 538488 - Phantom assembly as alternative item

Component : Components - Process Order

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When using an alternative phantom assembly in production or process orders within a BOM or recipe, SAP system errors may arise. Specifically, the system initially calculates the requirement quantity based on the set usage probability. However, upon modifying the order quantity, usage probability is disregarded, leading to erroneous requirement computations. This issue is due to a programming error in transaction codes like CO01, CO02, COR1, and COR2. The solution involves implementing a provided program correction, though the limitation of using alternatives with phantom assemblies as noted in Note 125364 remains unchanged.

Key words :
maintained usage probability, usage probability, phantom assembly, alternative item, process order, requirement quantity, order header, longer takes, terms co01, alternative reason

Related Notes :

125364Order component: Non-supported combinations