SAP Note 535705 - Enhancement for Note 494940: §14 Invoice printout

Component : Output Control Billing -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
tax reduction abatement act, section 1a requires, attached advance correction, tax number assigned, attached correction, tax number, tax office, bundesgesetzblatt part, december 27th, background processing

Related Notes :

551765Smart Forms: §14 for plants abroad 2
545164EDI: §14 for plants abroad
525529M/SD: Invoice printout: Tax number for article 14
520569Smart Forms: Print tax number with plants abroad
520202Invoice printout: §14 and credit memos
519797Print of the tax number for plants abroad
507861MRRL, MRIS, MRKO: Printing tax no. (§14 Sect. 1 Sls Tax Law)
505500IDOC INVOICE: §14 tax number from tax office
494940Invoice print: Tac number for section 14
493948Tax number for article 14