SAP Note 525673 - Indexes on address tables

Component : Address Management / Business Address Services -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
adrc-name1 -> adrc-mc_name1street  adrc-street   -> adrc-mc_streetcity     adrc-city1   -> adrc-mc_city1first, adrp-name_last  -> adrp-mc_namelasthese fields, adrp-name_first -> adrp-mc_namfirlast, adrc differentiates type 1, combined application search helps, central address management tables, address management search helps, default predefined indexes delivered, activate additional predefined indexes, additional customer-specific indexes

Related Notes :

450322Indexes in the tables of the Business Address Services
384833Generic search with * for name, street, city: too few hits