SAP Note 521427 - FAQ: IDocs for goods movements

Component : IDocs IM -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses frequently asked questions about using IDocs for goods movements, focusing on issues like transaction failures and error messages. Key topics include appropriate settings for movement type updates in WMMBID02, requirements for consistent ASN updates via IDocs, and material number discrepancies in inbound deliveries versus purchase orders. Additionally, it provides solutions to common problems such as missing material in plants when using IDocs, correct ways to fill IDoc fields to reflect database entries, handling of incorrect reservation updates, and the necessity of internal format for unit measures in IDocs. The note emphasizes the importance of correct field settings to prevent errors and ensure accurate data processing.

Key words :
system issues error message mm 107, system displays error message m3 351, system displays error message m7073, activate sap enhancement mwmido08, faq solution important information, exit function module exit_sapllmde_002, function module l_idoc_input_wmmbxy expect, inbound delivery/purchase order, fill field material number, function module mb_create_goods_movement

Related Notes :

338627Cancellation of the source code from Note 104626
318976Transferring values to IDoc WMMBXY
213066Subsequent note implementation Support Package 3.1I
207182Incorrect reservation update in the background
205978Incorrect update to reservation item
186830Confirmation: Missing reservation dates
166547LSR/MOB interface IDocs and ISO codes
156883IDoc WMMBXY: Units with ISO codes
109165MMIM: GI for reservation w/ IDoc WMMBID01 / WMMBXY