SAP Note 521207 - Q&A: Master Note for U.S. Garnishments

Component : Garnishments -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
vendor check doc - garnishments documentation faq - garnishments frequently asked questions msc - miscellaneous garnishment issues notes released, cfg - garnishment configuration clc - garnishment calculation, ity - garnishment infotypes adj - garnishment adjustments, frequently asked questions, refunds svc - garnishment service charge, -specific garnishment issues, garnishments development news, notes released, garnishments, terms master note

Related Notes :

1042784GRN: FIPS code is an optional field for CTX format.
937542GRN: Conversion of garnishment report(s) to use ALV
886402ITY: Cannot create "separate calculation" adjustment
884947GRN: Garnishment deduction not correct after off-cycle run
804664GRN: Check for last pay period of the year
800571GRN: Error in Garnishment Answer Letter
767781LET: Duplicate Entries on Garnishment Answer Letters
755316GRN: Vendor BAdI (user exit) for garnishment screens.
746363SVC: Clarification of T5UG9 settings after note 667834
7459373PR: Garn. report RPCPL1U0 does not find check no.
731277MSC: Child Support EFT for State of Massachusetts
718169ITY: Cannot create 'calculate end date' adjustment
704671CLC: Incorrect creditor deduction after note 670576
7024143PR: Vendor change on infotype does not go through to 3PR
698199CLC: Payroll area change -> incorrect deduction.
695961MSC: 'First deduction date' set incorrectly
695605LET: Garnishment forms do not show values from RT
686366MSC: Problems in history report after change of payroll area
670576CLC: Exceptional case does not work for multiple creditors
667834SVC: Problems with service charge calculation
661167SVC: Not able to refund service charges
655408MSC: Problems with change of payroll area solution
652741ITY: Short dump creating IT0194 record due to message error
648853MSC: Payroll rejects due to field size of GRORD-SPRUL
644453MSC: Multiple checks to be treated as regular runs
633670LET: Data from incorrect pernr on answer letter/vendor check
628176SVC: Garnishment fees not deducted correctly
624415MSC: Incorrect period association in out-of-sequence check
624032MSC: Incorrect data format when creating remittance info
624028MSC: Runid not cleared when getting the 3rd party status
622026GRN: RPCPL3U0 displays incorrect personnel subarea
619561MSC: No deductions after off-cycle at start of month.
615733MSC: Garnishment cluster tables created for EEs w/out garn
615649ITY: Garnishment Infotypes can be delimited in payroll past
608179GRN: Check number not displayed on the garnishment history
608171MSC: Rejection at UGARN CREA: "no old results."
607717ITY: Possible to select blocked/deleted vendor on IT 194
604988MSC: Garnishment Remittance aborts with RSQL error.
599182MSC: Monthly garn. + 2nd assignment -> rejection.
599180CLC: Rounding error for change of payroll area
584024ITY: No text icon on infotypes 195 and 216
583537MSC: Overdeduction on off-cycle after first period of year
568325MSC: FIPS code/addenda record creation does not work
565320MSC: Child Support EFT for State of Wisconsin.
564877MSC: Not able to transport customizing table entries
556196MSC: Report RPCGRNU0 Displays Incorrect Case No.
534441FAQ: Understanding garnishment cluster tables
524060FAQ: Understanding the garnishment payroll log
524059FAQ: Garnishment month and period association
524046MSC: Negative differences are taken over from retro.
521735FAQ: Federal tax levy overdeducting
520797Q&A: This note contains all U.S. Master Notes!
516410MSC: RPIPITU0 incorrect for tax levy & new garnishment
515611CLC: Exceptional case w/multiple checks/period not working
508164ITY: Zero values not allowed on required fields.
508127MSC: New Garn. Ded. Unit: Standardized monthly amount
456290MSC: Payroll aborts in batch input with log active.
455507CLC: Note 401557 reversed: Garn./Claims priority error.
451376ITY: New fields on Infotype 194: Navig. & default values
440729MSC: Garnishment wage type incorrectly reduced
440030MSC: Negative differences not taken over from retro.
438824MSC: Technical garnishment update.
436650MSC: Garn.Details report shows incorrect document number
433046MSC: No detailed payroll log information on garn. retro.
423794MSC: Garnishment error with quarterly payroll run
401557CLC: Garnishment error with claim in retro period.
400600CLC: Garnishment higher than net leads to rejection.
393216CLC: Off-cycle association adjustment for out-of-sequence
390176FAQ: County code / FIPS code in garnishment document
369934FAQ: US Garnishment Processing
338841CFG: Arrears processing for US garnishment wagetypes
209290ADJ: Garnishment refund, time window settings.
203572ITY: Column headings on fast entry for infoytpe 195
119891MSC: US Garnishments in SAP Query
119385DOC: Printing garnishment information on vendor checks.
118468DOC: Garnishment, Annual Deduction (infotype 195)
110386FAQ: Garnishment collected after pay period ends