SAP Note 520200 - Deleting Schedule lines after PO item confirmations

Component : Purchasing -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP has identified an issue where deleting schedule lines post-confirmation entry in transactions ME22 and MEPO causes operational discrepancies. This is problematic since current system protocols do not permit schedule line deletion if a purchase order (PO) confirmation already exists. To resolve this, SAP instructs the implementation of specific corrections outlined in this note. Moreover, users must manually generate messages within message class 8W via transaction SE91, notably message numbers 179 and 180, detailing consequences and procedural guidelines when attempting to alter schedule lines with existing confirmations.

Key words :
symptom deleting schedule lines, system responsethe schedule line, system administration------------------------------------------------------------------------message number, message class 8w, 179message short text, message long text, 180message short text, delete schedule lines, delete schedule line, po schedule line

Related Notes :

320392ME22: Changing stock category though confirmations exists