SAP Note 515092 - BAPI for NF creation

Component : Brazil - BAPI Concept (for BAPIs see note 813411)

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note outlines the BAPI functionality for Nota Fiscal processing in Brazilian company codes. The note introduces three main BAPI methods within the business object BUS2140: `Createfromdata`, `GetDetail`, and `GetList`, aimed at creating, and retrieving details and lists of Notas Fiscais respectively. It insists on the adoption of consistent data processing and error handling mechanisms to facilitate successful data migration from legacy systems. The implementation advice strongly suggests integrating the latest support package due to the complexity involved. Manual steps are also provided but with a caution regarding full code replacement for certain function modules to ensure alignment with system updates.

Key words :
mandt    mandt  docnum  j_1bdocnum  itmnum  j_1bitmnum  direct  j_1bdirect  dstcat  j_1bdstcat  indus2  j_1bindus2  nfpri    j_1bnfpri  nfnet    j_1bnfnet  nfdis    j_1bnfdis  nffre    j_1bnffre  nfins    j_1bnfins  nfoth    j_1bnfoth  netwrt  j_1bnfnett  nfnett  j_1bnfnett  mwskz    mwskz  kalsm    kalsm_d  icmsavr  j_1bicmsavr  subtavr  j_1bsubtavr  lppnet  j_1blppnet  lppbrt   j_1blppbrt  icmsvalp j_1bicmsval  subtvalp j_1bsubtvalstructure bapi_j_1bnfnad, docnum                        bus2143    46c            xreftyp                        bus2143    46c            xrefkey                        bus2143    46c            xawsys                          bus2143    46c            xobjheader                      bus2143    46c                       xobjpartner                     bus2143    46c, document number nota fiscal  sign     bapisign  option   bapioption  low      j_1bdocnum  high     j_1bdocnumstructure bapi_j_1bnfdoctyp_rashort description, observat  j_1blbobs  vstel      vstel  awsys      logsystem  r_reftyp  j_1br_reftyp  r_refkey   j_1br_refkey  r_awsys    j_1br_logsystemstructure bapi_j_1bnfdoc_add, mandt    mandt  docnum  j_1bdocnum  nfdec    j_1bnfdec  nftot    j_1bnftotstructure bapi_j_1bnfdocnum_rashort description, mandt    mandt  docnum  j_1bdocnum  nfdec    j_1bnfdec  nftot    j_1bnftotstructure bapi_j_1bnflin_add, mandt    mandt  docnum  j_1bdocnum  nfdec    j_1bnfdec  nftot    j_1bnftotstructure bapi_j_1bnflin, xobjheadermsg                  bus2143    46c            xobjrefermsg                    bus2143    46c            xobjotpartner                  bus2143    46c            xreturn                        bus2143    46c                       xplease repeat, xnfcheck                        bus2143    46c            xedocnum                        bus2143    46c                      xobjpartner                    bus2143    46c            xobjitem                        bus2143    46c, 'check cont'/ 'check control'/ 'check control'/ 'check control'dataelement j_1bcfop10

Related Notes :

994303Error 8B 499 during nota fiscal creation via BAPI
910090Missing methods in BUS2143
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563098Posting of CRM Billing documents in R/3 for Brazil/India
551084Enhancement of the J_1BNFDOC by the logical system