SAP Note 514938 - FAQ: Tax and cash discount base, cash discount

Component : Payment - Steuern

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses several FAQs on the tax and cash discount basis and logistics invoice verification calculations. The system settings allow for 'gross' or 'net' options in tax and cash discount bases due to varying national regulations. For example, in the UK, cash discounts are deducted before sales tax calculation ('net'), whereas in Germany, cash discounts are taxed ('gross'). It also covers the customization transactions required for both tax and cash discount bases. Additionally, the note explains the role of the tax category in cash discount clearing (CDC) accounts and illustrates accounting postings for various scenarios such as combinations of tax base and cash discount bases, highlighting the importance of tax relevancy settings in CDC accounts.

Key words :
cash discount' = ' 'pstky   account      amount31      vendor        225, cash discount' = ' 'pstky   account      amount31      vendor      220, cash discount base = 'net' invoice amount, cash discount base = 'gross' invoice amount, tax base/cash discount base = 'net', cdc account tax relevantgross amount  eur 220, cdc account tax relevantgross amount     eur 225, cash discount' = 'x'item2          eur 100, cash discount' = 'x'item2        eur 100, cash discount clearing account debited

Related Notes :

534391MR1M/MIRO: Cash discount calculation program redesign (2)
395703MIRO, MR1M: Composite SAP note Taxes in invoice verification
393917MRRS: No discount line for document type 'Posting net'
380075MR1M/MIRO: Cash discount calculation program redesign
376344MR01: Cash discount calculation program redesign
300253Postings tax base and cash discount base gross/net
186160MR01: Cash discount, cash discount base, CDC amount
111850MR01: Net tax base, gross discount base