SAP Note 513414 - BBPPU99: Products without purchasing view in search help

Component : Shopping Cart - Local Purchase Order

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
comm_pr_frg_rel  client        =    bbpm_prgeneral    client               comm_pr_frg_rel   fragment_guid =     bbpm_prgeneral    frg_guid               comm_product      client        =    comm_pr_frg_rel   client               comm_product      product_guid  =    comm_pr_frg_rel   product_guid, solution change database views bbpv_f4pr_cat, enhance tables bbpm_prgeneral, comm_pr_frg_rel, 'tables/join conditions' view, terms saplbbp_sc reason, join conditions, purchasing view, product search, shopping basket

Related Notes :

519794EBP: Replication of materials with purchasing view