SAP Note 510129 - Duplicate owners

Component : LO Integration -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses an issue where multiple configurations can manifest for a single object without a clear cause, aimed at facilitating error analysis. The solution involves implementing given corrections: adding a public instance method 'MARKED_FOR_DELETION' with a return parameter of type XFELD to class CL_CBASE, and another method 'FREE_BUFFER' to class CL_CUX_CBASE for releases 4.6C and 4.7. Moreover, a message 699 is to be added within message class CUIB1 that advises contacting LO-VC development for issues concerning 'Duplicate Owner'.

Key words :
add public instance method marked_for_deletion, add public instance method free_buffer, short text 'duplicate owner, returning parameter ev_marked, lo-vc development', message class cuib1, create message 699, class cl_cbase, class cl_cux_cbase, error analysis

Related Notes :

608229Correction report: Duplicate owners III (RESB)
604669MESSAGE_TYPE_X duplicate owner for item variant
569207Dump when including conf. routing / guideline
558812Correction report: Douplicate owners
558521MESSAGE_TYPE_X CUIB1 699 when creating order
555121MESSAGE_TYPE_X with change of service orders
545941MESSAGE_TYPE_X CUIB1 699 when saving a trading contract
536388MESSAGE_TYPE_X CUIB1 699 when saving an SMP variant
533980Double owners in VMS
529237MESSAGE_TYPE_X. duplicate owner
520466Runtime error when changing configuration of a schedule line
518189Runtime error when changing sales order