SAP Note 504936 - Batch input compatibility of new transactions

Component : Industry-Specific Component Oil -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note alerts users of IS-OIL/IS-MINE modules about nuances in using new Enjoy transactions released with SAP version 4.6B. Specifically, transactions MIGO, MEPO, VL01N, and VL02N are identified as not suitable for batch input processes. Users are guided to revert to classic MM-IM or LE-SHP transactions for stable operations. Several related notes (304122, 381630, 457925, and 491875) are recommended for additional context, highlighting limitations like the non-functional scroll in the “Additional Quantities” subscreen during batch processing. It's crucial to apply this note exclusively in relevant IS-OIL/IS-MINE environments to avoid systemic damage.

Key words :
problem specific key words, classic delivery transactions vl01, enter change additional quantities, enjoy delivery transactions vl01n, classic mm-im, -oil specific limitation, terms general keywords, imporant additional information, examplesare transactions migo, le-shp transactions

Related Notes :

546569FAQ : HPM - Hydrocarbon Product Management
491875Maintenance of Delivery Transactions VL01, VL02, VL31, VL32
457925Batch input compatibility of the new delivery transactions
381630Batch input for Enjoy transaction in MM not possible
304122MIGO: Batch input and CATT not supported