SAP Note 499625 - FAQ: Optical archiving in purchasing

Component : Archive link -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses FAQs concerning "Optical Archiving" for purchasing processes. Key issues covered include the inability to use generic object services for displaying outgoing documents related to scheduling agreement delivery schedules, and issues accessing linked documents in EnjoySAP purchase orders. Conversion tips using the Z_BUSINESS_OBJECT_CHANGE report are suggested for successfully linking documents and addressing display inconsistencies in transactions ME21N, ME22N, and ME23N. Additionally, resolution paths are provided for scenarios where documents do not display as planned within the generic object services, recommending checks and adjustments in ArchiveLink settings.

Key words :
scheduling agreement delivery schedule lines, object type / document type / status, content repository id back, content repository identifier field, enjoysap purchase order transactions, newly created purchase orders, activity workflow document type, longer access linked objects, menu option 'display originals', enjoysap purchase order transaction

Related Notes :

1679380ARL: Display of attachments does not work for contracts
1608188ME38: Missing optical ARL records
766146No display of archived documents in service orders
591205Error while creating outgoing documents
484541Maintaining object types with generic search
304541Display of originals does not work in purchasing