SAP Note 488725 - FAQ: Temporary quantity assignments in Global ATP

Component : Global Available-to-Promise -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses FAQs about temporary and persistent quantity assignments in Global ATP. It details the mechanisms and scenarios in which these assignments are used, such as APO and backorder processing. Temporary assignments lock quantities during an ATP check to prevent parallel checks until the triggering order is processed. Persistent assignments remain beyond transaction completion for specified conditions. Additionally, APS delta records for CTP scenarios and transaction behaviors influencing quantity assignments are explained. Recommendations for handling APS operations and potential inconsistencies with temporary assignments are also provided.

Key words :
sap offers released function modules, related persistent quantity assignments change, -party order processing / crm scenarioin, negative atp time series entries, manually deleting temporary planned orders, atp tree structures generated, report /sapapo/om_delta_compress compresses, livecache handles data backup, multi-level atp check, 'sm58/sapapo/dm_delta_clear_trguid solution -

Related Notes :

980556Temporary quantity assignments are not removed
970113Removal of APS delta records
813546Lock problems changing temporary quantity assignments
780510Enqueue when clearing temporary quantity assignments
501446List of all composite and FAQ notes about APO ATP
435827Recovery of temporary quantity assignments in the liveCache