SAP Note 456510 - Material variant in multi-level configuration

Component : Variant Configuration -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When integrating material variants as components in multi-level configurations, interactive configurations (such as in VA01 and CU50) may fail to process the object dependency, resulting in the non-explosion of the bill of material. This reflects intended SAP system behavior, where material variants, governed by their definitions in the material master, resist modifications during such configurations. Their bill of materials, determined by material requirements planning and production stages, should remain consistent and unaffected by configuration profiles or session-specific changes. However, activating a system adjustment via Include LCUKOFCK in function group CUKO can allow the explosion of the bill of material and process the configuration profile object dependency while ensuring that the material variant characteristics visible during configuration are not saved persistently for subsequent planning or production processes.

Key words :
include lcukofckin function group cuko, configuration profile object dependency, interactive multi-level configuration, lower-level material variant, lower-level items, multi-level structure, multi-level configuration, object reference $root, sales-relevant item, related configurable material

Related Notes :

794941Explosion of material variant as a configurable assembly
779371Incomplete characteristic value assignment with material var
774346Composite SAP Note: Material variants
513288Material variant as a component in multi-level configuration