SAP Note 456458 - FAQ: How does the report SDBONT06 work?

Component : Rebate Processing -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note clarifies numerous queries related to the functionality of the report SDBONT06, utilized in transaction VBOF for managing rebate agreements. It addresses situations necessitating the execution of SDBONT06, particularly with retroactive agreements, and details its operational mechanism, which involves recalculating rebate conditions and ensuring update consistency in billing documents and respective statistics. Key concerns discussed include the necessity for the report in non-sales volume dependent agreements, conditions update, error handling (e.g., F5 152), and resetting the KSPAE flag for retroactively set-up rebates. It also lists vital SAP Notes that impact the usage of SDBont06, ensuring comprehensive guidance for effective utilization.

Key words :
/ active extended withholding tax0484974 - vbof changing billing docs, sdbont060452402 - sdbont06 resets kspae incorrectly0455995 - sd, 0152901 - sdbont06 updates cancelled billing documents0178285 - sdbont06, / active extended withholding tax, rebate update sdbont060407430 - incorrect update, fi document type selection parameter, acctg docs requrd0393368 - sdbont06, billing documents0322486 - message ke476, changing rebate agreements0330310 - sdbont06, system issues message vk 780

Related Notes :

1023925SDBONT06: No correction due to change in tax amount
410579FAQ: Rebate processing