SAP Note 441009 - Credit: Check at the time of goods issue

Component : Credit Management -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When posting a goods issue for a delivery with an activated credit check, an error message is issued if the credit check outcome is negative, despite the Customizing settings that may specify a 'Warning message'. The system settings ignore Customizing preferences and always respond with an error message, blocking the posting of the goods issue until the credit conditions are met. This standard response prevents posting until the customer's credit standing improves or falls below the set credit limit. Notably, such deliveries are not shown in the list of credit-blocked documents.

Key words :
credit-blocked documents, negative credit check, credit check occurs, credit check, credit management, terms credit, credit block, credit limit, goods issue, error message

Related Notes :

751165Warning message instead of error message in goods issue
425483Consulting note collection: Credit checks