SAP Note 432749 - RFFOD__L/DTAZV: SWIFT code not transferred from GB to IE

Component : payment forms -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
In the German DTAZV payment module for SAP, an issue arises where the SWIFT code for the beneficiary bank isn't transferred during EU internal transfers to Great Britain and Ireland using RFFOD__L. This misconfiguration affects the Payment Medium Workbench as well, where SWIFT codes are generally not populated for these transfers. This results due to the processing limitations with British and Irish bank systems which are unable to handle SWIFT codes for EU internal transactions unless paired with an IBAN. SAP provides correction instructions which require existing IBAN functionality in the system and should be validated against the current Support Package level.

Key words :
german foreign payment transactions, payment medium workbench, eu internal transfer, support package level, eu internal transfers, bank account number, usual bank transfers, irish swift codes, attached correction instructions, bank transfers

Related Notes :

403332IBAN: Use in payment media